Friday, March 11, 2011

Where to Begin?

Well, after a week of lurking, I've finally gone ahead and started my own blog.  One would think this wouldn't be terribly difficult for a former English major, but years of having "write what you know" drilled into my head has left me a bit hesitant.  I always thought of blogs as having some grand theme - crafts, sports, family, whatever.  In all honesty, I couldn't think of any topic that I could continue writing about for an extended period of time while holding anyone else's interest.  I mean, I think WeeBee is the most adorable little boy in the world, but then again, I'm his mommy.  I enjoy knitting, but I'm limited to scarves and blankets.  I love to cook, but I can never guarantee having the time to pull out a camera and document my adventures.  I'm happiest sitting down with a book and a cup of tea, but that rarely happens these days.  And as my blog's title implies,  housekeeping is not my strong point.

So instead, this will just be a blog of my observations - things that happen to me, weird stuff on the news, and the occasional cooking success story.  I'm not sure if that makes it any more interesting, but we all have to start somewhere.  I hope you enjoy it.

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