Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Need New Soup Ideas

WeeBee loves soup.  I've been making it more often now that I have a slow cooker, and freezing the leftovers, but I feel like I cycle through the same 3 or 4 recipes.  Pea soup is the easiest, and WeeBee's favorite - he actually asked for a second bowl yesterday.  I'm still trying to perfect my black bean soup recipe, and the infamous taco kidney bean stinky feet concoction.  And then there's lentil soup, which is slightly more time consuming, since the recipe I have involves chopping a ton of vegetables.

Unfortunately, WeeBee gets a horrible diaper rash from anything tomato based (although he can eat fresh tomatoes) so that knocks out a lot of recipes.  He also doesn't quite have the eye/hand/mouth coordination to handle broth, so anything like chicken noodle soup is out as well.  (He's far to independent to let Mommy feed him - we've tried.)  So I'm left looking for something the consistency of pea soup, but using other ingredients.  Only problem is, you can't exactly type "pea soup that is not pea soup" into google and expect much, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!  It doesn't have to be bland - we're talking about a child who likes olives, balsamic vinegar, and feta cheese.  Bonus points if it freezes well!

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