Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mommy, I Have Sneezles!

WeeBee has always had a fascination with people being sick.  (One of the first phrases he learned to say was "You sick?" when a person sneezed or coughed.)  Lately he's taken to fake sneezing and coughing whenever he hears someone else cough.  Usually, it's cute, but in the supermarket, not so much.  Last week he heard a woman cough and then he started imitating her until it sounded as if he belonged in a tubercular ward.  The only thing that made it marginally better was that we weren't in the produce section.

Between the dust that's been kicked up from us attempting to clean the house a bit, and the pollen in the air with fall beginning, we've all been sneezing.  At last, WeeBee has discovered the joy of tissue boxes.  Not only do they make awesome homes for his toy trains, he can run and get "sheeeshoes" out of them every time he sneezes, wad four or five of them up, and blow his nose.  Today he triumphantly announced, "Mommy, I have sneezles!" and ran into my room to find the tissue box.  Apparently, somewhere along the line, sniffles became sneezles.  At least, I think that's what he meant.  Either way, at least he understands that dirty tissues go in the garbage can.

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