Sunday, September 25, 2011

I've Never Been a Chicken

Or Explaining Halloween to a Toddler...

The other afternoon I was driving home from the store and started trying to explain Halloween to WeeBee. He's at that weird age where he might like dressing up, but at the same time you can't just shove him in a costume and call it a day.  I mean, the other morning he wandered into my room with two laundry baskets on his head, on his way to find a crayon.  He will putter around the house in any shoe he can find.  But I don't think he really has much of a clue about costumes.  Our conversation ran something like this...

Mommy:  Guess what, WeeBee!  Halloween is coming.  That's when people dress up in costumes.
WeeBee:  'ween?  Costumes?
Mommy:  Yeah.  People pretend to be something else.  Lowly is going to be a ladybug.  But people dress up as dogs...or cats...or ghosts...or Bob the Builder...or chickens...
WeeBee:  (cutting me off)  What?!?!  I've never been a chicken!

Unfortunately, typing does not convey the disbelief in his voice when he heard me suggest dressing up as a chicken.  So not only is that off our short list, I don't think I'm any closer to explaining Halloween, which he now thinks is a day for wackos to wear chicken suits...


  1. Just tell him if he dresses up people will give him candy! That's why you see grown ups still dressing up taking their kids around!

  2. I say postman pat and he will give out thank you notes to those he gets candy from.
