Friday, August 3, 2012

Stinky, Smelly, Mushy Bananas

WeeBee takes a long time to unwind at the end of the day.  There are days I wish I could put a trampoline in his bedroom and just let him go at it until he fell asleep.  One of his favorite routines, aside from using his bed as a diving board, is telling me about his day.  Then I have to tell him about his day.  Then he tells me about his day, again.

Last night he started in on this while I was downstairs loading up the dishwasher.  I admit I wasn't quite giving him my full attention until I heard this...

WeeBee:  And I took the stinky, smelly...
Mommy:  (thinking he's referring to the lentil soup I made for dinner that he refused to touch, that I'm still rather ticked off about) WeeBee, we don't speak about our food that way!
WeeBee:  And I took the stinky, smelly banana, and I gave it to Lowly.
Mommy:  What?
WeeBee:  (pleased with self) I took the stinky, smelly, mushy banana, and I gave it to Lowly.  Then I only had two slices of banana.
Mommy:  (trying to figure out how grounded in reality this conversation is)  You gave mushy bananas to Lowly?
WeeBee:  Yes!  And then I had two!
Mommy:  You mean you took apart your sandwich?
WeeBee:  Yes!  And gave the stinky, smelly, mushy banana to Lowly!  And she ate it!

So, as far as I can uncover, WeeBee did not approve of the quality of all of the banana slices on his peanut butter and jelly and banana sandwich at lunchtime.  He then took the offending pieces of banana, and gave them to his sister, who has less discriminating tastes, leaving him with two slices of banana on his sandwich.  All of which took place silently, within twenty feet of me, while I was unloading the dishwasher in the morning.  He was quite gleeful, although whether it was because he tricked his silly little sister into eating subpar bananas or his problem solving skills, I couldn't actually tell.

I don't even know where to begin.

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