We've been watching quite a few Westerns at our house lately. I don't remember what started it - probably a random suggestion on Netflix. (Does your Netflix account make really strange suggestions for you? Ours does, but more on that some other day.) I haven't seen too many of them in their entirety, since WeeBee is usually puttering around, but Daddy has taught WeeBee to say "John Wayne." Trust me, it's adorable.
Last night, whatever movie Daddy was watching happened to catch WeeBee's attention. We then had the following conversation.
WeeBee: Mommy, what's that?
Mommy: That's John Wayne. He's pretending to be a cowboy.
WeeBee: (very serious) No. He is a cowboy.
I'm not going to argue with that.
That's right,lil' lady, your boy's a straight shooter!