Sunday, June 12, 2011

Guess Who Got 9 Hours of Sleep Last Night!

I did!  (Insert happy dance here.)

Baby Lowly slept for six hours straight, for the second night in a row.  Then WeeBee slept until 9:45 this morning, for reasons known only to his little brain.  Unfortunately that same little brain just interpreted "Lean on your step-stool to draw pictures on that paper" as "Ditch the crayon and paper and use the step-stool to climb up on Mommy's bed and crawl through the laundry she folded but didn't get to put away because you were hollering for yogurt."  I don't really care though, because I got to sleep!

That really sounds pathetic, doesn't it?  :)

Oh, well.  I'm off to change diapers and take on survival of the fittest at Costco on a Sunday morning.  WeeBee just finished the last of the milk, and until our town changes the zoning and allows cows, I must go risk death by giant carts filled 6 ft high with 200 rolls of toilet paper, pushed by 5 ft tall women on cell phones...

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