Friday, April 22, 2011

Ohhhh, How Naughty!

WeeBee loves to climb.  Unfortunately he has also inherited Mommy's total lack of eye/foot coordination, and it usually ends badly.  His climbing spot of choice this week happens to be the stools we have at our kitchen counter, which, while quite sturdy, were not made for a 25 lb toddler to swing on.

Anyway, I have spent most of the last week dragging him off these stools.  As soon as I take him off one, he climbs up on the other.  Sometimes he just wants to sit, (especially if Daddy is sitting on the other one) but he also likes to stand on them.  Last night he decided that the next logical step was climbing up onto the counter itself, and attempting to crawl across it.  He's been put in timeout and probably hasn't gotten a sticker for being good in a week - none of which seems to perturb him in the least.  The little stinker knows exactly what he is doing, and yesterday I got proof.  I came out of the bathroom to find him scrambling up to the counter, saying in his best horrified Mommy voice, "Ohhhh, how naughty!  How naughty!"  Then he stood up on top of the stool and grinned at me.

Yeah, I had to turn around so he wouldn't see me laughing at that one...

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