Monday, September 10, 2012

The Search for a Little Red Sweatshirt

Last week I realized that WeeBee had grown 3 or 4 inches since last September, and none of his pants fit him anymore.  Well, I guess I had subconsciously realized that awhile ago, but it's much less noticeable when he wears shorts.  The other day he tried on a pair of pants, and they turned into capris.  Clearly something had to be done.

So, Saturday morning, we went on an adventure to Target.  Now, the adorable thing about shopping with WeeBee, when he's not screaming that his sister is looking at him, or poking him, or thinking about touching his hair ten minutes from now, is that he is incredibly grateful and excited whenever you buy him something.  And by that I mean grateful to the point where I almost feel like it sounds like the kid never gets anything and is fed once a week.  Anyway, we found him a couple of pants and shirts, and because he was being so good, he even got a robot t-shirt that wasn't strictly Fall-clothes-related.  (He's on a robot kick.  More on that next time I post.)

Then we came to the sweatshirts.  All I wanted was a boring little solid color hoodie.  He could pick the color, but I was not having my three year old decked out in some garish thing looking like the spawn of a punk rock pirate and the anti-Christ.  Yes, they do make stuff like that for preschoolers, and no, I'm not exaggerating...much.  The point is, we're still on the trucks and dinosaurs level here.

Anyway, I found the boring hoodie rack.  He told me he wanted a red sweatshirt.  Sure enough, they had a whole bunch of beautiful, bright red ones.  I picked one up, and noticed a sticker on it that said, "Check out my faux hawk!"  Or words to that effect.

Confused, I opened the sweatshirt up a bit, and realized that it had this weird black fake fur mohawk thing going down the top of the hood.  It was on all the red sweatshirts, and only the red sweatshirts.

Now, aside from the fact that this was totally not what I had in mind, my son would have looked absurd.  It was one of the stupidest looking things I'd seen in a long time.  It's so absurd that they apparently do not sell it on their website, otherwise I would include a link to show you all.  I don't mind fake fur fuzzies around the front of a hood on a coat.   Personally I think it's a bit girly, but I can live.  This, however, looked like an animal crawled up on the hood, died, and then bled out.  Bad choice of color, people.

Unfortunately, this left me explaining to WeeBee that he would not, in fact, be getting a red sweatshirt. His face looked a bit disappointed, but thankfully he didn't make a scene.  I suggested a grey one instead, and he approved.

Fast-forward to this morning.  Baby Lowly was taking a nap, and he had crawled up onto my lap to watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  For those of you who haven't made this a regular part of your morning routine, it's essentially a reboot of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, only without Mister Rogers, and it's all computer animated.  Daniel Tiger's son (also named Daniel) is the main character.  It's really cute, and WeeBee loves it.

Anyway, as we're sitting there, WeeBee told me, in a very soft voice, that the reason he wanted a little red sweatshirt was that little Daniel Tiger has a little red sweatshirt too.  He wasn't being whiney, or demanding, or even asking for me to get him one.  It was just like it was this little secret he'd been carrying around for the last two days, and he wanted me to know, in a teeny tiny voice.

And here I was thinking there was no thought behind his color choice beyond "Oooh, red is a bright color!"

So I asked, just this once, if he would like me to see if Kohl's had any red sweatshirts.  After all, he's a little boy.  Little boys get dirty.  It's not like a second sweatshirt is going to go to waste around here.  The next thing I know I'm getting a giant hug and a kiss and he's saying, "Oh, thank you, Mommy!  Thank you!"

I have a feeling this is going to be the best $5 I've spent in awhile.